Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another Spring Day in Winter

It felt like another Spring day today - the temperature was 45 F outside, but sunny so it felt warmer. And with little wind the conditions were perfect for running. I did a 7.6 in 56:37, which comes out to a pace of 7:27. My splits were 12:04 up to the Storrow Foot bridge, 24:02 to Mass Ave, 29:18 to half way point, 46:00 back to Storrow Footbridge, and 56:37 home. 
The below is a fast motion video of the run I usually take. I filmed this from a bike as I rode along the route I usually take. It's the first leg of the short 6.4 run - only up to the Mass Ave bridge - not the extra 0.6 mile up to the BU footbridge.

On today's run, starting out the left shin was very sore - close to 85% pain level - but after going very light starting out it quickly eased off, and around mile 2 was not noticeable. Coming back I was able to increase the pace nicely. I did the first 3.8 in 29:18 and the second 3.8 in  27:19 - almost 2 minutes quicker. I nearly always increase the pace on the way back - seems like I've warmed up nicely by then. .

Temp: 44
Pressure: 29.91
Dewpoint: 30
Humidity: 52%
Wind: SSW 7
Conditions: Sunny

Distance run: 7.6 miles
Total since 10/16/2011: 293.6 miles

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spring Time in Winter

The temperature and conditions were perfect - 54 F outside - little wind - sunny. I did my second 7.6 short run - increased it from 6.4. I got a nice time of 55'41" - 55 mins 41 seconds, which comes out to 7:19.605 pace. - sweet! Yeah, definitely got a little bit of the runners high on the way back. The energy was there and the pace picked up. Splits were 11:15 to the base of the footbridge, 24:04 to Mass Ave, 28:27 to BU footbridge, 33:35 back to Mass Ave, 50:10 to Commercial/Washington crossover and 55:41 back home.

Shins were cool - a little sore starting out. The flexibility roller that Sarah Lang recommended to me years ago has made a huge difference. I use this pretty intensely both before and after each run. I find the deep tissue massage it gives on the muscles of the calves and on the sides of the lower leg very therapeutic and helpful. Today I did fee a little heavy starting out - and felt the need to shed a few pounds - however once I got to the footbridge where I always see what time I'm at, I realized I was moving pretty fast - I'm often there at 12:30 but it was 11:15 time wise. Tremendous run overall - exhilarating! Thank you God for the privilege of these runs! What a blessing!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ligthen up dude

1 lb of weight loss translates into 4 lbs less of knee pressure. I assume it's about 4lbs too on the shins and calves. There is an article on this at Lance Armstrongs website. Weight Loss Reduces Knee Pressure. I also heard (but couldn't verify this - I have searched the web pretty thoroughly for it) that 1 lb of weight loss also translates into 10 seconds less of oxygen usage per mile. If you're doing an 8 minute mile - and if you are 1 lb lighter now - you'll use up a little less oxygen for that mile - that's about 2%. Anyway, it certainly is a motivator to lose some more pounds!

Todays run was great! I got some good advice from a friend David Miles about loading up on carbs before a long run. Yesterday evening I had plenty of good pasta - and a light breakfast this morning. So when I started out I gotta say I was a bit surprised at the good feeling of strength and energy. It's kind of like when you get the highest octane fuel in your car - you notice the difference when accelerating etc.It was cold - 30 F, so I had the full extra gear, 5 lbs of sweats, jacket, gloves and hat. Hat's off to Boston Park services - every path along the river, the walk bridges - you name it - were all snow free. It enabled me to run an uninterrupted run - and at a good pace.

Courtesy Please!
At one point, on the return run - around mile 4.3 - there was a bit of a snow patch - maybe 20 yards of it - on the main path, but a narrow path of clearance right through the middle of it. As I was converging on it, two other runners also were converging on it. I wanted to get that narrow passage, but decided to be polite in advance and concede. It got me to thinking how the small gestures in life can make all the difference. What do you do when you're making a coffee and someone comes along and says - 'Oh, I need to get me a coffee' - once yours is all done, you can say 'It's all yours now to make one' - or you can say 'Hey, here you go' and then go and make another one for yourself.

What do you do if you walk by a bike on the road locked to a post but it's down on the ground. Walk by - not your responsibility. Or - hey, why not pick it up - a lot nicer for the owner when he/she comes on by to get their bike. Small stuff, but when a society at large embraces such practices and attitudes, it improves the over all well being ofthe society. 

What do you do if you walk by a bike on the road locked to a post but it's down on the ground. Walk by - not your responsibility. Or - hey, why not pick it up - a lot nicer for the owner when he/she comes on by to get their bike. Small stuff, but when a society at large embraces such practices and attitudes, it improves the over all well being ofthe society. 
 I guess as I train and seek to get 'fitter' - it's just as important to seek ways to grow in character, and to grow spiritually - this too takes effort and work.

Pace Stats
Distance: 6.4
Time: 48:57"
Pace: 7:30

Weather Stats
Today it was 30 F outside, 68% humidity, 30.45 pressure and a NW wind of 10.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Longer short run

I've been doing a short run of 6.4 miles. I've increased that to 7.6 now after I got some good advice from a friend of mine, Miles Davis, who has done a ton of marathons with a PR under 3 hours! He mentioned how increasing ones base mileage is important for the body to adjust how it processes energy etc. So now I go another half mile and a bit beyond the Mass Ave bridge - up to the storrow drive pedestrian bridge. Here's a Google Map of the Course I run (click here! and zoom in) - I'll keep this run for a couple of weeks, and then add on another half mile or so.

This evening I started out slow. My left shin splint was hurting pretty bad. Then the balls of my feet were tight and somewhat sore. At about mile two things eased up. I was quick to quote psalm 103! :-) - I felt like I was a bit sluggish. The temperature was 30 F, so I had the full gear on, full jacket/wind breaker, cap, gloves, track suit - so that adds a lot. I got to the 3.8 miles in 31 mins and change. I got back in 60:15 seconds. I did pick up the pace on the way back. I tapped into some nice energy in the last two miles and finished strong. Overall it was an excellent run.

Once I got back I was quick to ice the shins :-)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3 consecutive runs

I ran another 6.4 today after having done a 5.1 yesterday (followed by the gymn) and a 6.4 on Monday. I moved at a good pace today. It was 36 F outside, with gusts to 23 mph - giving a real feel of 21. At about mile 2.75 I got a sharp pain in my lower back. I had to slow down to a very light jog. I then concentrated on relaxing every muscle as I ran. Slowly but surely I was able to build up my speed. I was at normal pace by the time I got to the Mass Ave bridge, and I kept up a serious pace on the way home - hence the good time despite the slow down. It was definitely a little too cold for how I was dressed. I didn't have sweat pants on or a jacket - just the usual - which drew some comments. Two ladies as I passed them by - one said 'he is wearing shorts in this weather!' - I lifted both arms in a shrug and smiled at them - they both laughed :-)

Distance 6.4,
Time 48:10
Pace 7:30

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Below Freezing - to run or not to run!

It's really not a question of whether I'll run today or not. It's more - how far will I attempt. It is 14 degrees F, or -10 Celsius. Very cold and there is the wind chill too - 14 mph NW giving a real feel of -1 F, or -18 C. Hey, this will be my personal low temperature running record! The little reading I did on running in the cold is to dress properly for it - breathing in the cold air is not an issue. One article talked about the Irish running adventurer Richard Donovan, who completed the first marathon at the South pole and the North Pole where temps were down to -50F with very strong winds and a 9,300 feet altitude. He says 'I never had any breathing problems at all - no burning throat or anything.' - and the marathon took him 8:52!

Well - I did end up running and it was tough. I ended up doing a long run - in that cold weather. The gloves came off after mile 2 but were back on after mile 6. I brought a face mask and put that on around mile 4. My left calf locked up at 8.5 miles. I had gone all the way up to the Harvard Bridge, back down Memorial drive and the pain got to 85% (stopping point) just as I got to Mass Ave bridge. I asked someone the time since I didn't have a watch. It ended up I did the 8.5 miles in 66 minutes. I walked across the bridge Storrow and started to jog lightly up one of the streets to the Common and then on back home. I probably should have brought a few dollars to hop on the T in that cold weather, especially after an injury.

Other weather status. Dew point is -6 and pressure is 30.27, and it's sunny.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cold run - but a fast one

It was 33 F today, and quite windy, but it was sunny. I went out for a 6.8 mile. I got back in 47:32. Before I started out I had felt pain yesterday and today in my left shin - I really thought it was going to act up when running. Oddly enough I hardly felt a thing! However, the left achilles tendon was sore for the first 3/4 of mile - also the balls of both feet got sore - but after two miles - once I warmed up I was fine. I also prayed psalm 103 too which I believe helped. I didn't have a watch with me so I kept up the pace most of the way. I wanted to get a good time. I was very happy with the end time of 47:32, which if a 6.8 comes out at a 7:00 minute mile. I increased the speed on the downstretch back home quite a bit for the last mile. It felt great to have fresh legs. I had used the elliptical trainer for the past 4 days.One thing I love about running is this boost of energy you get after running a good distance - it amazes me - I can remember during the summer how even in doing a 3 miler at a very slow pace I was dragging and at a total loss of energy at the end. My main challenge is managing the shins and injuries to the feet and tendons.

My running gear today was at it's limits for the temperature. A cap, t-shirt, long-sleeve top, shorts and no gloves. Anything colder I need more protective clothing. Starting out my hands were very cold, so I had to curl my thumbs into my palm as I ran. After 2 miles, I was fine - I had to keep my hands open since they were so warm. This is the problem with wearing gloves, they are good for the first two miles, but after that they become too uncomforable.

Tomorrow - if possible - very much dependent on how the shins are - I would love to get in another 8.5, if not a longer 9.5 or more. However, it is going to be 20 degrees. Yikes! Plus 1a 13 mph wind.

I measured the distance using Mapquest and also my phone GPS and it comes out as 6.8. Google lists it as 6.2 - quite a difference, so it leaves me unsure on the real distance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Real Distance - 6.2, 6.4, 6.5 or 6.8 miles.

I did my usual run - from North Square to the Mass Ave bridge and back. I ran at 3:30 pm while it was 46 outside (winds were gusting strong on the river - 18 knots). It was a good run - I started out slow - the hands were freezing it felt and there were several sore spots on the feet. Once I crossed Storrow I was crruising though. I got to Mass Ave bridge in 24:33 and got back in 23:26 giving a round trip time of 47:59. Happy with that.  One point of uncertainty is the exact distance I am running. I'm assuming it is 6.5 miles. If I map one way via Google it comes out as 3.1 miles - North Square to the bridge. However until recently it used to give a distance of 3.2 miles and it would include the walkway bridge over Storrow - which it no longer will. I tried to get a more accurate reading using the GPS on my phone. However, it comes out at 6.8 miles round trip which seems a little far.  So I don't know the exact distance. My pace could be 7:44 for 6.2 miles, 7:30 for 6.4 miles, 7:22 for 6.5 and finally 7:03 for 6.8.

Knowing the accuracy of your pace is important in my opinion if one is doing any long distance type of runs. 

One way of resolving it is to get a high end Garmin GPS - I don't fully trust my phone app. Another option is to get a bike odometer, ensure it's calibrated and ride the course. The results yet to be announced!

Assuming it is 6.5 miles, today I have completed running 229 miles since Oct 16th. That is when I started recording my mileage - right after I bought a new pair of Assics Gel Nimbus shoes. The store clerk pointed out that my old shoes were seriously worn out and were actually working against me. 500 miles is when they should be changed. Almost half way toward another new pair!

Okay full weather stats on this run. I think I'll start tracking these - it helps get a sense of how one performs in different conditions.
46 degrees Fahrenheit, 43% humidity. 29.75 barometric pressure, dewpoint 23, Wind WNW at 18 with gusts.Real feel 36 deg.
Starting out was cold on the hands. Any colder and I'd need to be dressed warmer.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Long (er) Run

I decided to go for a long (er) run today - adding on 2 miles to the usual. I went up to the BU bridge and back today which is about 4.25 miles each way - totalling 8.5. Very little pain today which was great - especially given that I did a 6.5 yesterday afternoon. My splits were 12:00 to the footbridge on Storrow 24:43 to Mass Ave, 33:29 to BU, back to Mass Ave 41:22, then the footbridge 51 something, and getting back to the start at 1:05:29. The average pace comes out to 7:42 pace. I can't imagine doing this virtually 3 times which would be close to a marathon. I was spent after this last run!

One thing that really helped was using a 'Flexibility Roller'. This is a styrofoam roller - about 6 x 18 inches. This is fabulous for working the calves and really helped with the shin splints too.

Before the run, this morning after a good breakfast at Theo's and seeing some local folks again, a highlight was seeing everyone at church that I hadn't seen for about a month. There was something really special reconnecting with everyone after not having seen them over the break. Larry and Monica were telling me about this intense workout system they've been using for them and their family - the P90X Abs workout system. At  church Dave Wenrich gave a good message about spiritual disciplines and equated the discipline needed to that in preparing for running a marathon. You can't suddenly get up one day and decide 'Oh, I think I'll run the Boston Marathon today' - rather it takes months and months of hard prep work. So too if we want to grow spiritually - we must be willing to put in the time and effort to grow - to develop disciplines that help us grow - such as spending time in reflection, in reading God's word, in prayer for others, in silence, in worship, in fasting. All these take some measure of focus and work.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

50 F in Boston in heart of Winter

The conditions are beautiful today for a jog along the Charles river. This is the route I like to take - starting out on Garden Court, down Fleet, onto Commercial and around by the Banknorth Garden's and finally onto the riverfront. This takes me up to the Mass Ave bridge. That comes to 3.2 miles, so it makes for a great round trip run - not to long and the views are always spectacular and invigorating - particularly when the weather is as it is today! Hopefully the injuries will be taking a back seat today - definitely praying for such!

I started out slow going down Fleet and onto Commercial. As I ran along Commercial my left heal - right at the center ball - had a sharpish pain - I focused on relaxing and not going to fast - it was at a 75% pain level - 85% being the quiting point. As I came up on the Garden's it was about 60% and I picked up the pace a bit. I started to quote psalm 103. 'Praise the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me praise His Holy name. Praise the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits - he heals all my diseases (yeah!!!) and forgives all my sins - he redeems my life from the pit and crowns me with love and compassion! Praise the Lord oh my soul!' - as I did - it seemed as if the pain subsided even further - I focused on 'he heals all my diseases' quite a bit - claming that. I picked up the pace nicely as I got to the Storrow drive crossover bridge and went at a good clip all the way to the Mass Ave bridge. I slowed as I approached the bridge and a guy whipped past me - on his t-shirt -'San Francisco Marathon - some year'  - I got there at 23:56. I came back at about the same pace - probably a little quicker. I was disappointed when I got back to notice I must have hit the stop watch as I turned at Mass Ave since it was reading 24:12. Regardless it was an awesome run - I had good energy completing it. I was going at about a 7:30 pace overall.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Running back in Boston

I arrived back in Boston late last night - the plane was delayed such that I missed the last train and ending walking from the Airport MBTA station to Maverick and then picked up a taxi from there. Today was thankfully a day off - and after some good house cleaning in the earlier part of the day I went out for a run at 3:30 pm. The sun was still up - the temperature was about 42 and it was quite windy - I had a fairly strong headwind running toward the Mass. Ave. bridge. My feet was quite sore starting out - the shins were pretty raw - I almost decided on just hitting the gym but decided to give it a mile at which point I could divert. I started quite slowly and gently. The heel ball of both feet hurt despite having stretched quite copiously so I had to keep the speed down up to about the 2 mile mark - at which point I was able to up the pace. I hit the bridge at about 26:00 and change - coming back I picked up the pace a good bit, but at about mile 4 the left foot heel hurt again so I backed off the pace and concentrated on relaxing - starting with hands, arms, shoulders, upper back, torso, thighs, knees, calves and then feet. That really helped and the pain subsided. I still had to keep the pace down though the legs and lungs were up for an aggressive run. I ended up getting a time of 50:49 - a 6.5 mile run. Man, it sure was good to be back in Boston - I seriously missed this run!