Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another Spring Day in Winter

It felt like another Spring day today - the temperature was 45 F outside, but sunny so it felt warmer. And with little wind the conditions were perfect for running. I did a 7.6 in 56:37, which comes out to a pace of 7:27. My splits were 12:04 up to the Storrow Foot bridge, 24:02 to Mass Ave, 29:18 to half way point, 46:00 back to Storrow Footbridge, and 56:37 home. 
The below is a fast motion video of the run I usually take. I filmed this from a bike as I rode along the route I usually take. It's the first leg of the short 6.4 run - only up to the Mass Ave bridge - not the extra 0.6 mile up to the BU footbridge.

On today's run, starting out the left shin was very sore - close to 85% pain level - but after going very light starting out it quickly eased off, and around mile 2 was not noticeable. Coming back I was able to increase the pace nicely. I did the first 3.8 in 29:18 and the second 3.8 in  27:19 - almost 2 minutes quicker. I nearly always increase the pace on the way back - seems like I've warmed up nicely by then. .

Temp: 44
Pressure: 29.91
Dewpoint: 30
Humidity: 52%
Wind: SSW 7
Conditions: Sunny

Distance run: 7.6 miles
Total since 10/16/2011: 293.6 miles

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